Written By admin on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 | 11:09 AM

Do you know an amazing person who is having a tough time this holiday season? A person that does amazing things for others, has had a positive impact on their community, or who keeps a positive attitude even through the worst of times.  Nominate them for the $500 VISA card giveaway.  In 300 words or less, tell me about their awesomeness and email it to garnerstyle@gmail.com.  I will choose the recipient myself.  All entries need to be in by 12/19 at 11:59AM PST.  There is a quick turnaround, so I am able to mail out and get to the recipient by Christmas.  All entrants must allow with with their letters being displayed on this blog (I will change the names for their protection). Once the recipient has been chosen, I will update this post with their letter. 

This was on my heart to do.  I've been extremely blessed this year and it's all through the support of my readers.  I know Christmas can be a time of year that can hard for a lot of people. I've had my own tough Christmases (yes that's a word, I looked it up) and I wanted to help one person with a $500 VISA gift card just in time for the holidays.  I wish I could give everyone something, but this is from me.   

*Update: This was probably the hardest decision I ever had to make.  I will say that with everything going on in the news, it was life-changing to read about an abundance of people just going out of their way for other human beings.  The news seems to only cover the very bad. :( Again, I wish I was able to give everyone something, but I could only choose one.   All I could do was as God for help with this one.  Find her letter below.  The name has been changed. 

"Carla, a 67 year old woman in San Francisco, is an unsung neighborhood hero! She has a young spirit and an engaging personality, always smiling and speaking to people with an openness that makes them relax. She is a volunteer with a group called Seniors on the Move, in a working class neighborhood in San Francisco (Visitation Valley area -- a neighborhood near the soon-to-be-demolished Candlestick park).
Faithfully since 2001 Kathleen has spent every single Monday volunteering at the neighborhood food bank distributing food to her neighbors. In addition to her food bank duties and despite her own health issues, she works with her group to create gatherings that further create community -- school back pack drives, health and wellness fairs, community meetings. In fact, today she is sorting toys at the community center for the holiday toy drive! When families face tragedies like the death of a child or spouse she is the first one to initiate contact with the families -- cooking meals, helping organize the wake, collecting money to offset funeral costs. Having been widowed at a young age she knows personally the toll that death can have upon family.

Carla is known in her neighborhood as a sweet spirited woman who looks out for her community, creates change and always has a giving spirit. She embodies love and has a nurturing spirit that transforms whomever she comes in contact with. While she is a giver and a caretaker, she is also a woman on a fixed income, who struggles each month to make the ends meet. It would be great to see her receive this gift card and kick her year off to a great start. Knowing her, she'd probably catch up on bills and stock her pantry and yet that would free her mind enough so that she could spend more time helping others without worrying about her own household. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this honor."


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