Written By admin on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 | 12:08 PM

Last year, I highlighted the looks that I loved and titled it the Flawless 13. I decided to do it again this year by picking out my top 10 picks of plus size stellar looks.  As I am composing my list, I can't help but think, "Everyday I see bloggers/plus magazines putting together fabulous looks, mini photoshoots, and even themed editorials and they look fabulous, but yet there still seems to be very little representation in mainstream magazines."  If we can do it, why can't they? In terms of they, I mean mainstream magazines. There are the plus size naked editorials, but very few where the shoots are styled to the nines, themed, and above all else...fabulous. I'm not knocking the plus size nude/semi nude shoots. They are great at getting the conversation going about self-esteem, but where is the fashion?  Five years ago, I could understand.  The clothing options for plus were bare, but now there are options. The bloggers are doing it and with not all the bells and whistles that the mainstream magazines have. Imagine the outcome with all the bells and whistles.   There have been too many times that I have come across photos and said, "This belongs in a magazine." This is definitely not a rant, but just some reflections of the year as I comprise a list of the plus size, stylish, and editorial worthy.  I would love to see  more plus sizes be represented in the pages of  magazines that occupy the news stands.  I feel like that's the one place I have seen glacial growth in representation of the plus size woman.  Not to say there hasn't been some growth, but I think more could be done to represent the plus size woman, who now make up 64% of the female population.  Just a thought...

Here are my 10 favorite looks from 2014. There are some new faces and some old ones, but all the looks gave me my fashion life. Please note that they were a lot of other fabulous looks this year, these were just my favorite. I included one of my own: 


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