Written By admin on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 | 8:34 AM

This post brought to you by Curvation.  All opinions are 100% mine.

As one of the Curvation bloggers, I am totally excited to be working, reviewing some of their fabulous bras, and helping them on getting their message out.  The message is about dispelling the myth of what plus size women “should” wear.  It’s one that is very near and dear to my heart.  One of the huge purposes of this blog is to take all of those “rules,” toss them out of the window and really show that we can wear anything we want and look amazing at the same time.   I’ve felt that these rules were made to keep plus size women in a box to make others comfortable.  In the process, it dims our light and doesn’t allow us to shine quite as bright.  There is one good thing about these rules though, with one quick decision you can easily toss them aside, as I have.  I say you can have fun and wear anything as long as you wear it in a way that works for you.  You would be surprised how many of the things that you thought wouldn’t look good on you actually do.   I’m issuing you a personal challenge for those who feel like they haven’t been able to get out of that box.  Go to your favorite place to shop, pick out a few things that you wouldn’t normally wear, and try them on.  Pick up some horizontal stripes, loud colors, or something that you know is just going to grab everyone’s attention.  Regardless if you buy or not, it will really allow you to see that you too can ditch those rules.   I’d love for you to come back and tell me how it goes. 

Want to keep up with the #shapeofbeauty & Curvation movement?  Follow Curvation on Facebook.

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Peach Top - Madison Plus (similar), Dress - ASOS (sold-out), Print top - Simplybe, Print bottoms - Simplybe, Skirt - Nordstrom (similar)


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