Written By admin on Friday, January 17, 2014 | 2:36 PM

Lena Dunham, Vogue, Photoshop, Jezebel
I am a person who loves to call a spade a spade when indeed it is an actual spade.  I'm a little confused about the Lena Dunham Vogue controversy.  Earlier this week I saw Lena on the cover and thought, nice cover and she looks like herself. In my mind, and correct me if I'm wrong, there is no controversy. There is some photoshop, but in my opinion, it's minimal. (Besides them cutting off her arm.  Vogue, I'm gonna need yall to do better.)  Yes, they touched her up.  It's Vogue, what do you expect, but I've seen photos touched up (in the plus size fashion community, I might add) much worse than this.  

When situations like this happen, go viral, or whatever I often wonder to myself are there times where we are too sensitive.  Anytime a "regular" girl is highlighted it seems that people are just waiting to find something wrong with it so they put it under a microscope, dissect, and milk it for all it's worth.  The same with the Mindy Kaling cover.  I thought Mindy was gorgeous, but apparently I was supposed to see some slight against her size and ethnicity that didn't occur to me.  For me, I always want to fight the good fight, but I only want to fight when they is an actual fight.  I do feel like some folks/websites are always ready to pick a fight when there is none.  This also makes me question the authenticity of their motives.  Could this be a ploy, to say, go viral.  As I like to say, the thirst is real.

As this not my usual type of post, I felt like voicing my opinion and having a conversation and I would love to hear your thoughts.  

Update: If you've been keeping up with this whole "controversy" and I used that term very loosely, Jezebel paid 10K for the untouched photos of Lena Dunham.  In response to this obvious waste of money and counter production of female empowerment, Brad Walsh & fellow blogger, Nicolette Mason, have decided raise 10K to give Step Up.  The mission of Step Up is to propel girls from under-resourced communities to fulfill their potential by empowering them to become confident, college-bound, career-focused and ready to join the next generation of professional womI am always here for such causes.   Want to help as well.  Make a donation today, big or small, here.

Lena Dunham, Vogue, Photoshop, Jezebel

Lena Dunham, Vogue, Photoshop, Jezebel


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